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Illness – cancer diagnosis

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Ruby had made two repayments on her Lending Stream loan when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She had to start treatment immediately.

With so much on her mind, and because she’d have to take time off sick, she wasn’t in a position to continue with the loan agreement.

At a time like this, the last thing Ruby needed was for this to be complicated, so we tried to make it as simple as possible.

Ruby explained the situation, and we froze the loan payments immediately. We confirmed some details, which we did as quickly and discreetly as possible. Given the seriousness of the diagnosis, we wrote off the loan. This meant Ruby didn’t have to make any further repayments. With so much to worry about, we didn’t want to add to it. By not having to think about repayments and reminder letters, Ruby was able to focus on the things most important to her.

Cancer support

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Cancer is one of the toughest fights most of us will ever face. But you don't have to go through it alone. MacMillan offers clinical, practical and financial information, as well as support.