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Family bereavement

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Paul had just found out about the death of a close family member. This was a sad and stressful time, as he was the best placed to arrange the funeral. This involved some expense and some extra time off work that he hadn’t planned for.

Paul still had two months of payments left on his Lending Stream loan, but understandably, this was a difficult time to deal with repayments.

He called us for a quiet chat. Our call centre team listened and passed on their sympathies. They talked through the options with Paul to find out which would suit him best. Paul and the team agreed to a temporary payment break. This would have a negative impact on his credit file, but the interest was frozen and it gave him a bit of space and time.

This meant that Paul could concentrate on family at a time when it mattered, without affecting his credit record with a missed or late payment. He picked back up on his payments after the payment break was completed. It had been a difficult time, but he felt that he’d been listened to and his situation was understood, and that had helped a bit.

Bereavement support

We are not affiliated with or promoting any sites listed. They are here for information only.
If you’ve recently been bereaved, the charity Cruse UK might be able to help. They offer information, advice and support to people of all ages who have suffered the death of a loved one.