How To Get Out Of Debt Fast and Efficiently in 2024?

How To Get Out Of Debt Fast and Efficiently

Debt can be a heavy burden that weighs on our financial well-being and overall quality of life. Whether it’s credit card debt, student debt, or other financial obligations, finding a way to get out of debt quickly and efficiently is a common goal for many individuals. Fortunately, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to tackle debt head-on and regain control of your financial health.

In this guide, we will explore effective methods and practical tips to help you get out of debt fast and save money efficiently. We will emphasize the importance of responsible financial management, budgeting, and prioritising debt repayment.

1. Assess your debt

Assess your debt to pay it fast

Start by evaluating your current debt load, including the total amount owed, interest rates, and minimum monthly payments. This will give you a clear picture of where you stand and help you determine how much you can realistically allocate towards your monthly payment.

In the UK, different types of debts come with varying interest rates. It’s wise to focus on those with the highest rates first, as these can accrue costs rapidly, prolonging your journey to becoming debt-free.

Debt type & average interest rates

Debt Type  Average UK Interest Rate Priority Level Reason
Credit Card   18-22.2%   HighHigh interest means larger costs over time.  
Overdraft34% Very High Accrues interest quickly; best cleared soon.
Personal Loan7.3-15%MediumRates vary; tackle after more expensive debts.
Mortgage5%   LowLong-term, lower interest; focus after short-term debts.

By targeting the most expensive debts first, you optimise your payments and fast-track your path to financial independence.

2. Create a detailed debt management plan

Create a detailed debt management plan

Mapping out your route away from debt is empowering. There are two methods you can use:

Snowball method 

The debt snowball method focuses on paying the smallest debts first to gain momentum. For example, imagine you have three debts: £500 with 5% interest £2,000 with 3% interest £3,000 with 7% interest. With the snowball method, you’d start by aggressively paying off the £500 debt while making minimum payments on the others. Once the smallest debt is out of the way, you’d tackle the £2,000 one, and so on. 

Avalanche method

The avalanche method is about tackling high-interest debts first. 

Considering the same debts as above, the avalanche method would have you tackle the £3,000 debt first since it has the highest accrued interest. By focusing on this, you reduce the amount of interest you’ll pay overtime.

Once that’s cleared, move on to the £2,000 and then the £500. It’s a strategy focused on financial efficiency and is often suitable for individuals who don’t have a fixed monthly paycheck.

3. Set realistic debt-free goals

Set realistic debt-free goals

Setting realistic debt-free goals is a crucial step in your journey towards financial freedom. It helps you stay focused, motivated, and accountable throughout the process.

Instead of simply aiming to be debt-free, set specific and measurable goals. For example, you can aim to pay off a certain amount of debt within a specific timeframe, such as paying off £5,000 of personal loans within the next six months. Having clear goals helps you track your progress and celebrate milestones along the way.

While it’s important to be ambitious, it’s equally important to be realistic about what you can afford. Take into account your income, expenses, and other financial obligations when setting your debt-free goals.

4. Cut unnecessary expenses

With the right strategies, it’s entirely possible to trim the excess spending and redirect those savings towards debt payments. 

Here are some ways to help: 

  • Dining out less and enjoying home-cooked meals can be both cheaper and healthier.
  • Periodically review and cancel any subscriptions or memberships that are no longer relevant.
  • If you frequent train travel, a railcard can offer significant savings. You can also commute during off-peak hours to get less expensive tickets.
  • Selected banks and finance apps offer various cashback and discounts on groceries and utilities. Try to keep updated and make the most of them.
  • Platforms like Vinted or local charity shops can be goldmines for affordable essentials.

For more information, read our guide on How to Stop Spending Money on Unnecessary Things.

5. Restructure your current loans

Restructuring your current loans can be a helpful strategy to manage your debt more efficiently and potentially reduce your financial burden. Here are some steps to consider when restructuring your loans:

  • Assess Your Loan Terms: Start by reviewing the terms and conditions of your existing loans. Take note of the interest rates, repayment periods, and any fees or penalties associated with early repayment.
  • Contact Your Lenders: Reach out to your lenders and discuss your financial situation. Explain your desire to restructure your loans and inquire about any available options. Some lenders may offer loan modification programs or refinancing options that can help you lower your interest rates, extend the repayment period, or adjust your monthly payments.
  • Explore Debt Consolidation: If your credit rating allows for it, try to get a larger, lower-interest loan, and consolidate your debts into this loan. This involves combining multiple debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This can simplify your repayment process and potentially reduce your monthly payments.
  • Negotiate with Lenders: If you’re struggling to meet your current loan obligations, it’s worth negotiating with your lenders. They may be willing to work out a new repayment plan that better suits your financial situation. This could involve reducing interest rates, extending the repayment period, or temporarily lowering your monthly payments.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If you find the loan restructuring process overwhelming or complex, consider seeking advice from a financial advisor or credit counselling agency. They can provide guidance on the best course of action based on your specific circumstances and help you navigate the negotiation process with lenders.

6. Establish an emergency fund

Establishing an emergency fund is a crucial step in achieving financial stability and protecting yourself from unexpected expenses or income disruptions.

An emergency fund ensures:

  • You avoid accumulating more credit debt when faced with unexpected events.
  • You have a buffer against unforeseen expenses, regardless of the situation.
  • Your debt doesn’t snowball, letting you manage your debt even during the worst of times.

So, how much should you aim for? Ideally, start with a smaller goal, say £1,000. Once achieved, aim for three months’ worth of living expenses. For example, if your monthly expenses amount to £1,500, set a goal of £4,500 for your emergency fund.

Steps to speed up your debt repayments

1. Avoid taking on new debt

Commit to avoiding new debt. Resist the temptation to use credit cards or take out loans for unnecessary purchases. Focus on living within your means and prioritize your debt repayment goals over acquiring new debt.

2. Increase your income

Look for opportunities to increase your income and accelerate your debt repayments. Here are a few ways to make extra money:

  • Explore the possibility of taking on a side job or part-time work in addition to your regular job. This could involve freelancing, consulting, tutoring, etc.
  • If you have a passion for photography, writing, graphic design, or crafting, explore ways to turn these skills into a source of income. You can offer your services to clients, sell your creations online, or participate in local markets or events.
  • Take advantage of online platforms and marketplaces to sell products or offer services. Websites like Etsy, eBay, Vinted, or Amazon allow you to reach a wide customer base and sell handmade items, vintage goods, or other products.

3. Stay disciplined

The path to becoming debt-free is a journey that requires consistency, dedication, and mental resilience. For young adults who are juggling the pressures of saving money and managing credit card bills, it’s important to remember that progress is made one step at a time. Here are some tips to help ease the journey:

Visual reminders: Use charts, debt trackers, or progress boards to visually represent your debt repayment journey. Seeing your progress can be highly motivating and serve as a reminder of how far you’ve come.

Celebrate small wins: Take the time to celebrate minor milestones along the way. Whether it’s paying off a small debt or reaching a savings goal, acknowledge and reward yourself for these achievements. It reinforces your progress and keeps you motivated.

Stay informed: Knowledge is power when it comes to managing debt and building savings. Educate yourself about debt management strategies, interest rates, and savings options. Understanding these concepts can reduce fear and uncertainty, empowering you to make informed financial decisions.

4. Monitor your progress and adjust

Monitoring your progress and making adjustments along the way is crucial in your journey towards becoming debt-free.

Here’s a simplified table structure for your debt reduction checklist:

CheckpointSituationAdjustment Strategy
Monthly Debt ReviewChecking debt statusReview every month
Income FluctuationRaise or side hustleAllocate more towards debt
Unexpected SetbacksJob loss or large expensePause savings, focus on basics
Surprise BonusesUnexpected bonusDirect it to reduce larger debt
Credit Score MonitoringScore dropsReassess strategy or seek advice
Lifestyle ChangesPromotion at workAllow occasional treats
Budget EvaluationUnplanned big expenseAdjust the monthly budget


Getting out of debt fast and efficiently is a challenging but achievable goal. By following the strategies and tips outlined in this guide, you can take control of your finances and pave the way towards a debt-free future.

It starts with assessing your debt, creating a budget, and prioritising your repayments. By increasing your debt payments, focusing on high-interest debts, and considering debt consolidation loan options, you can accelerate your progress. Seeking additional income, staying motivated, and avoiding new debt are also key factors in expediting your journey to financial freedom.

As you make progress, celebrate milestones, and adjust your approach as needed. Monitor your progress, regularly check your credit report seek support when necessary, and stay informed about personal finance to make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I clear my debt in the UK?

Prioritise high-interest debts, debt consolidation loans, and adequate budgeting can help you clear your debts quickly.

What is the fastest way to get out of debt?

The fastest way to get out of debt is to create a budget, cut unnecessary expenses, and increase your income. By prioritising debt repayment, reducing spending, and finding ways to earn more money, you can accelerate your journey towards becoming debt-free.

How can I clear my debt without money?

Clearing debt without money can be challenging. You can seek financial counselling to create a budget and explore additional assistance programs that may be available to you.

How to get out of credit card debt?

Start by creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses, allowing you to identify areas where you can cut unnecessary spending. Next, make a commitment to pay more than the minimum payment each month, focusing on high-interest cards first. Consider exploring options like balance transfers or debt consolidation to potentially lower interest rates and make repayment more manageable.

How can I get out of debt without filing for bankruptcy?

To get out of debt without filing for bankruptcy, take the following steps. Negotiate with creditors to potentially lower settlement amounts or create more manageable repayment plans. Or consider debt consolidation to combine multiple debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate.

Disclaimer: The information given above is provided for reference only. This is not financial advice. Also, we are not affiliated to any of the brands named in our article.

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