How To Make Money as a Teenager? (2024 Guide)

How To Make Money As A Teenager

As a teenager in the UK aged 18 and over, there are many ways to earn money online.

Their path to a steady income could include starting a small business, offering services to your neighbors, or taking on a part-time or full-time job.

Below we will discuss 5 reasons why teenagers should start making money, as well as listing actionable ways to make it a reality.

5 reasons to make money as a teenager

Earning your own money has benefits that can positively impact your life in the short and long run.

Here are the top five reasons why you should start earning money:

1. To buy what you want

More likely than not, you’ve probably experienced not having enough money to buy something you want may be because of less pocket money or you not saving money in your piggy bank.

Asking your parents or family friends for money might not be a viable option, which leaves you having to make your own income to treat yourself with things you love.

2. Encourages you to set financial goals

Maybe you dream of buying a car or starting your own business someday. But it’s essential to remember that earning money is only half the battle. Setting a financial goal is important to take control of your finances.

Setting financial goals can seem daunting or unimportant, but it’s actually an excellent way to start taking control of your finances early on.

Additionally, setting financial goals teaches you valuable life skills like budgeting, saving, and investing. These skills will be useful throughout your life and help you make better decisions about your money.

3. To support your family financially

Life can often be tough, and our families might need a little help to make ends meet. If you’re earning your own money as a teenager, you can contribute to your family’s finances and ease some of the burdens.

As a teen, you may not be expected to provide for your family. However, doing so can help in times of financial difficulty. Plus, it can give you a sense of responsibility and independence that you might not have had before.

4. To travel

Travelling can be costly. But when you’re earning your own money as a teenager, it doesn’t have to be. With careful planning and effort, you can save enough money to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Earning your own money can help you achieve your travel dreams. Backpack through Europe, explore the beaches of Southeast Asia, or take a road trip across the USA – the possibilities are endless.

5. Makes you self-reliant

As a teenager, it’s easy to rely on your parents or guardians for almost everything, including money. Earning your own money can give you a sense of independence.

You’ll also learn about the value of hard work and the satisfaction of earning something on your own. Plus, you’ll gain a sense of control over your life and your future.

Now that you have learned why earning your own money as a teenager is important, you’re probably wondering how to make money as a teenager. Well, there’s something for everyone, from traditional part-time jobs to modern side hustles. Below, we discuss some of the best jobs for teens in the UK, which will help you earn money today.

12 effective ways to make money as a teenager in the UK

1. Start a blog

Are you passionate about writing or have a unique perspective on a particular topic?

If yes, starting a blog could be a great way to earn money as a teenager in the UK. You can express your creativity, share your ideas with the world, and earn money with your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.


  • Starting a blog is relatively low-cost
  • You have the freedom to write about whatever interests you
  • As your blog grows, you have the potential to earn a significant income


  • Time-taking process to build a following and monetize your content.
  • The competition in the blogging industry is high
  • Blogging requires consistent effort

2. Start a YouTube channel

Creating content on YouTube can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can share your talents, hobbies, and interests with a wide audience and earn significant money. All you need are content ideas, a smartphone with a good camera, and a YouTube account to get started.

YouTube offers €1.15 per 1000 views in the UK. Various other monetization options are offered, such as ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales. These options can generate a steady income for your channel.


  • Easy to start
  • Steady source of passive income
  • Allows you to create a personal brand


  • Building a following is challenging
  • Algorithms and guidelines are constantly changing

3. Write and Sell E-books

Writing an e-book is a great way to let your creativity showcase your writing skills and make money from it.

E-books can be sold online through various platforms such as Amazon Kindle. Writing can be a great way for teenagers to earn extra money. It covers a wide range of topics, from fiction to nonfiction. This makes it a versatile option.


  • Low starting costs
  • Easy to create and self-publish
  • Can generate passive income, as it can continue to sell for years to come.


  • Requires strong writing and editing skills to create a quality book.
  • It’s time-consuming to write, edit, and format the e-book.
  • May require marketing efforts to promote the e-book and drive sales

4. Offer UI / UX Service

If you have a flair for designing, then offering UI/UX services to businesses is a  great option to make money. Register yourself on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, etc, to reach out to potential clients, offer your service, and make quick and easy money with it.


  • High demand
  • Good pay
  • Work from anywhere


  • Competitive market
  • Requires expertise
  • Long project turnaround

5. Start selling online

If you have plenty of things lying around your house that you don’t use anymore, consider selling them.

You can sell old books, CDs, DVD players, or sell clothes on platforms like eBay to make some quick money.

Also, if you are creative and like to create handmade crafts then you can sell digital art or stock photos on platforms like Etsy and Amazon or even through your social media accounts.


  • Easy to set up
  • Can sell handmade items
  • Flexible working hours


  • High competition
  • Expensive shipping costs
  • Time-consuming process

6. Start teaching online

If you’re passionate about teaching then this method is a great way to earn some quick cash. Teaching online is an excellent way to earn money doing something you love while helping others learn and grow.

This method is flexible and allows you to work from the comfort of your own home and set your own hours. There are various platforms and websites available that allow you to teach a wide range of subjects and reach students from all around the world.


  • Flexible hours
  • Can help others learn
  • Opportunity for personal growth


  • Expertise is required
  • Need to have teaching skills
  • May have to deal with difficult students

7. Design websites

Designing websites is a creative and fulfilling experience that allows you to showcase your skills and create something unique. It’s also an in-demand skill, with many businesses and individuals looking for skilled designers to help them create their online presence.

Plus, designing websites can also be a flexible and remote work opportunity. You can work from anywhere, set your own hours, and take on as many or as few projects as you like.


  • High demand for website designers
  • Opportunity to work freelance
  • Potential for high earnings


  • Requires technical knowledge and skills
  • May require investment in software or tools
  • Competition from established designers and agencies

8. Monetize your social media

If you’re active on social media and have a sizable following, you can monetize your accounts and make extra money as a teenager. Many businesses and brands seek influencers and content creators to promote their products and services to their followers.

To get started, you’ll need to build a strong and engaged following on your preferred social media platform. You can earn money by partnering with brands, becoming a virtual assistant affiliate marketing, where you promote products and services and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.


  • Easy and accessible to anyone
  • No special skills or equipment required
  • Can be done from anywhere
  • Opportunity to earn passive income


  • Requires a large following to make significant money
  • Building a following takes time and effort
  • Platforms may change their monetization policies at any time
  • Potential for negative impact on mental health and privacy

9. Walk a dog

If you are a dog person and love to be around them, this method is a fun way to make money. Many pet owners are busy and may not have the time or energy to take their dogs for regular walks, making dog walking a popular and in-demand service.

To get started with dog walking, you can advertise your services in your local community through social media, flyers, or word of mouth. You can also sign up with online dog walking platforms that connect pet owners with local dog walkers.


  • Easy to start
  • Enjoyable for dog lovers
  • Good exercise


  • Limited income potential
  • Requires physical activity
  • Weather-dependent

10. Flip items to make quick cash

If you have a good eye for valuable things, flipping items is an excellent way to earn extra income in 2024.

This involves buying items at a low price and then reselling them for a profit. You can find items to flip at yard sales, thrift stores, online marketplaces, and even your own home. It’s also crucial to negotiate with sellers to get the best price for the items you want to buy.

You can also consider cleaning or repairing items to increase their value before reselling them.

Regarding reselling, online marketplaces such as eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Amazon can provide a large and diverse customer base. You can also consider selling to local shops or flea markets for a quick sale.


  • Potential for high profits
  • Flexibility in sourcing items
  • Develops entrepreneurial skills


  • Requires some initial investment
  • Can be time-consuming
  • Involves the risk of losing money

11. Start streaming on gaming platforms (Twitch, Discord)

If you love playing video games and have a talent for entertaining others, then this may be a lucrative opportunity to make money online. Streaming online involves broadcasting your gameplay live to an audience of viewers who can interact with you through chat.

To get started with streaming, you’ll need a good internet connection, a computer or gaming console, and some basic equipment such as a microphone and webcam.

It’s also essential to engage with your audience by talking to them through chat, sharing your experiences, and being interactive during your gameplay. This can help you build a loyal fan base and attract more viewers to your stream.


  • Fun and enjoyable for gamers
  • Can build a community
  • Big earning potential


  • Need a good internet connection
  • Requires consistent and engaging content
  • May take time to build a following

12. Start a part time job

Starting a part-time job can help you build your professional network and gain references for future job applications. Plus, the experience you gain from a part-time job can help you develop valuable skills that can be applied to a variety of industries.

That’s why when you look for a part-time winter or summer job, consider your skills and interests that align with your strengths. Look for opportunities that offer room for growth and development, and don’t be afraid to apply for jobs that may seem out of reach. You never know what opportunities may arise from taking on a new challenge.

Overall, starting a part-time job can be a rewarding and beneficial experience. It can help you earn extra income, build your skills and professional network, and provide valuable experience for future job applications.


  • Expand your professional network and make new connections
  • Opportunity to explore different industries and careers
  • Helps you learn time management and organisational skills
  • Great potential for career advancement and growth


  • May require additional time and energy, leading to burnout or exhaustion
  • Limited benefits and job security compared to full-time positions
  • Less flexibility and control over schedule and work hours


Making money as a teenager can be a great learning experience that sets you up for financial stability in the future. There are so many opportunities available through both traditional jobs and side hustles, that you can try until you find the right fit.

However, making smart money moves is also important, such as finding ways to boost income and avoiding financial mistakes. One way to help manage your money is to stop spending money on unnecessary things and create a budget. Budgeting tips include setting aside money for savings, prioritising expenses, and tracking how you spend money.

Also, it’s important to seek guidance and supervision from trusted adults and always to check the terms and conditions of any online job platform you use to make extra money.

Best of luck on your money-making journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make money as a teen without a job?

There are plenty of ways to make money without a traditional job as a teenager above 18 years. Without any prior work experience, you can start with
● blogging and other forms of content writing
● selling items online
● taking paid surveys
● pet-sitting services, and doing odd jobs for neighbours or family members.
These options allow you to earn money while having a flexible schedule.

How to make free money?

While there are no guarantees for making completely “free” money, there are some ways to earn extra cash without an initial investment. Some ideas include taking paid surveys, content writing, and graphic designing which is much easier with the help of free AI. However, it’s important to be cautious of scams and always read the fine print before signing up for anything.

How to make money from home as a teenager?

Teenagers have many opportunities to make money from home, such as starting a blog or YouTube channel, selling items online, doing freelance work, and taking online surveys. Make sure you research legitimate opportunities and find ones that match your interests and skills.

How to earn money quickly?

Freelancing, renting out space, voiceover service, translation service, transcription service, virtual assistance, etc are some of the best ways to earn quick money.

How to make money at 15 legally?

Legitimate ways for 15-year-olds to make money include working part-time jobs such as babysitting services, pet-sitting services, car washing services, or doing yard work for neighbors. Additionally, some retail and food service jobs may hire younger kids (as young as 15 years) with work permits. It’s important to check your local laws and regulations to ensure you follow legal employment guidelines.

Disclaimer: The information given above is provided for reference only. This is not financial advice.