13 Ways To Build Your Credit Score Without A Credit Card

How To Build Your Credit Score Without A Credit Card

Building your credit score without a credit card is possible through many ways. While credit cards are commonly used to establish credit history, several other strategies can help build and boost your credit score.

This article explores practical ways to build credit without relying on credit cards, allowing you to pave the path towards a stronger financial profile.

How to build or improve your credit score without credit card?

1. Consider credit builder loans

Consider credit builder loans to build credit without credit card

Consider building credit through credit builder loans or secured loans, where you make fixed monthly payments to a lender. These payments are reported to credit bureaus, gradually building a positive credit history.

2. Joint accounts with responsible individuals

Establishing a financial link with someone who has a good credit history can positively impact your creditworthiness. This can be achieved by opening a joint bank account or applying for financial products like a mortgage together. When you become financially linked with someone who has a stronger and more positive credit history than yourself, lenders will consider this when you apply for credit in the future.

Bear in mind that this works both ways. If they have a poor credit rating, it can actually affect your own ability to get credit or borrow money online.

3. Make sure to register on the electoral roll

Ensure that you are registered on the electoral roll at your current address. This helps verify your identity which positively impacts your score.

4. Avoid payday loans

Avoid payday loans

Refrain from using payday loans or other high-interest short-term credit options. These loans can have a negative impact on your creditworthiness if not repaid on time and put you in a debt cycle which can become difficult for you to break and come out.

5. See if Experian Boost can help you

Experian Boost is a service provided by Experian, one of the major credit reference agencies in the UK. It allows you to add positive payment history for utilities and telecoms to your credit report, potentially improving your credit score.

6. Stay below credit limits

Keeping credit card balances well below the credit limits is crucial for a healthy credit utilization ratio. A lower utilisation ratio indicates responsible credit management.

7. Avoid multiple credit applications

Applying for multiple credit applications in a short period of time can be looked like financial instability or desperation by lenders. Don’t apply for multiple loans in a single time and limit your applications to necessary ones only. Try to spread them out over time.

8. Peer-to-peer lending

Peer-to-peer lending platforms provide an alternative way for individuals to borrow and lend money outside of traditional banking channels. Borrowers apply for loans, and individual investors (lenders) fund these loans in smaller increments.

Making regular, timely repayments on peer-to-peer loans establishes a positive payment history that can positively impact your credit score.

9. Clear outstanding debts

Prioritize paying off any outstanding debts, such as personal loans, store credit accounts, or instalment loans. Reducing your debt burden can positively impact your credit utilization ratio, which is a crucial factor in credit scoring.

10. Research reporting services

Traditionally, rental payments were not reported to credit reference agencies, potentially leaving individuals with limited credit history at a disadvantage.

However, some rental exchange schemes now collaborate with credit reference agencies to include rental payment history in your credit report. By enrolling in such a scheme, your on-time rent payments can positively impact your credit score and demonstrate your ability to manage financial commitments responsibly.

11. Review your credit report

Monitoring your credit report regularly is essential for understanding your creditworthiness and identifying any errors or inaccuracies. You can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) annually.

Check your credit file for any discrepancies or fraudulent activity and promptly dispute any inaccuracies to rectify the information.

12. Student loans

If you are a student, responsibly managing your federal student loans can positively impact your credit history. Making timely payments on student loans demonstrates your ability to handle credit responsibly

13. Clear outstanding debts

Prioritize paying off any outstanding debts, such as a personal loan, store credit accounts, or instalment plans. Reducing your debt and making on-time payments can positively impact your credit utilization ratio, which is a crucial factor in credit scoring.

How is my credit score bad if I don’t have a credit card?

Having a bad credit score without a credit card is possible due to factors like limited credit history, missed loan payments, defaulted debts, financial associations with individuals with poor credit, late utility and phone bill payments, and high credit utilization on other loans.

Credit scores are influenced by various financial behaviours, not just credit card usage. To improve your credit score, focus on responsible financial habits, timely payments, and avoiding defaults. Demonstrating responsible credit management will lead to a better credit score over time, making you more attractive to lenders.


In conclusion, having a good credit score without a credit card is indeed possible through various alternative methods. Utilise credit builder loans, or become an authorised user on someone else’s credit card to start building credit.

Timely payments on loans, rent reporting services, and responsible management of financial obligations all contribute to building a positive credit history.

Lending Stream are also on hand, if and whenever you need! Managing your finances well and staying consistent can actually lead to better loan opportunities, something your future self will thank you for.


How do I build credit for the first time?

To build credit for the first time, start by opening a bank account and applying for a credit builder loan. And ensure timely payments on bills, rent, and loans. Monitor your credit report regularly and practice responsible financial behaviour to establish a positive credit history over time.

Can I build a credit score with a debit card?

No, using a debit card does not directly contribute to building a credit score. Debit card transactions do not involve borrowing money or creating a credit history, so they are not reported to credit reference agencies.

Do personal loans help build credit?

Yes, personal loans can help build credit when managed responsibly. If you make timely payments on your personal loan and pay off the loan as agreed, it can have a positive impact on your credit score.

Disclaimer: The information given above is provided for reference only. This is not financial advice.

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